Manual WordPress Database Backup: Step-by-Step Instructions

Comprehensive Guide to Manually Backing Up Your WordPress Database: Step-by-Step Instructions

Backing up your WordPress database is crucial to safeguard your website’s content, settings, and user data. While there are many plugins available to automate this process, knowing how to manually back up your database ensures you have full control over the procedure. Here’s a detailed guide to manually back up your WordPress database step by step.

Why Backup Your WordPress Database?

  • Data Protection: Ensures your data is safe in case of server failures, hacking attempts, or accidental deletions.
  • Easy Restoration: Allows quick restoration of your website in case of any issues.
  • Migration: Facilitates website migration to a new host or domain.


  • Access to your web hosting control panel (cPanel, Plesk, etc.)
  • phpMyAdmin or equivalent database management tool

Step-by-Step Backup Instructions

Step 1: Access Your Hosting Control Panel
  • Log In: Log in to your web hosting control panel. Most hosts use cPanel, but you may have a different interface depending on your hosting provider.
  • Navigate to phpMyAdmin: Look for the phpMyAdmin icon under the “Databases” section.
Step 2: Select Your WordPress Database
  • Open phpMyAdmin: Click on the phpMyAdmin icon to launch the database management tool.
  • Choose Your Database: In the left sidebar, you’ll see a list of databases. Click on the one associated with your WordPress installation. If you’re unsure which one it is, check your wp-config.php file in your WordPress root directory for the database name.
Step 3: Export the Database
  • Go to Export Tab: Once your database is selected, click on the “Export” tab at the top of the phpMyAdmin interface.
  • Choose Export Method: You’ll have two options:
      • Quick: This option is sufficient for most users and exports the entire database in a few clicks.
      • Custom: Allows you to select specific tables and options. Use this if you need more control over what’s exported.
  • Select Format: Ensure that the format is set to SQL.
  • Start the Export: Click the “Go” button to start the export process. This will download an SQL file to your computer containing your database backup.
Step 4: Verify the Backup
  • Check the File: Ensure the downloaded SQL file is complete and saved securely on your computer.
  • Test the Backup: If possible, test the backup by importing it into a test database to ensure it was created correctly.

Alternative Methods

If you prefer not to use phpMyAdmin, you can use the following methods:

Using a Plugin
  • Install a Backup Plugin: Plugins like UpdraftPlus, WP-DB-Backup, or BackWPup can automate the backup process.
  • Configure and Run the Backup: Follow the plugin’s instructions to back up your database and download the backup file.
Using SSH and Command Line
  • Access Your Server via SSH: Use an SSH client like PuTTY to access your server.

Run the MySQL Dump Command:
Copy code
mysqldump -u yourusername -p yourdatabase > backupname.sql

  • Replace yourusername with your database username, yourdatabase with the name of your database, and backupname.sql with your desired backup file name.
  • Download the Backup File: Transfer the backup file to your local machine using an FTP client or directly through the SSH client.


Manually backing up your WordPress database is a straightforward yet crucial task to ensure your website’s data is secure. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can create a reliable backup of your database, giving you peace of mind and a quick recovery option in case of any issues. Whether using phpMyAdmin, a plugin, or the command line, regular backups are essential for maintaining the integrity and availability of your WordPress site.



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